Monthly Financial Snapshot: May 2022

Not a whole lot of change compared to last month. Inflation continues to rage on, JPY continues to weaken (currently at 134 JPY/USD as I write this), and market continues to fall. Japan is slowly preparing to re-open to tourism, probably targeting a full “reopening” for later this summer, but no official announcement yet. As of mid-June they have resumed “tourism” with North Korean-style chaperoned fixed-itinerary tours with handlers and strict supervision....

June 12, 2022 3 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: April 2022

Apologies for not posting the last few months. Looking back at my previous post, the same concerns are even more relevant now: inflation and exchange rate. Since I last wrote, the yen has sharply weakened to its lowest level in 20 years. Currently it is sitting at about 130 JPY / USD, and it is now a regular topic of conversation on the evening news. As someone who earns money in JPY, it is disheartening to see my salary worth less and less compared to my “home” currency of dollars....

May 3, 2022 3 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: January 2022

Not too much to report on for this month. Investment-wise, the US market seems to be close to entering a correction (10% decrease) for the year, which isn’t too suprising given the almost unabated rapid growth we’ve had in the last several years. By contrast, my own investments have declined by less than half that in the same period, due to my more conservative and diversified investment strategy. As a result, I’m not really worried about the markets at this point....

February 15, 2022 2 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: December 2021

Happy New Year! I haven’t posted in a few months due to a recent change in my living situation: I moved into a new apartment with my girlfriend! It was an expensive move (as is the norm in Japan) with a lot of unavoidable fees, and the rent is about double what each of us were paying living separately, but in return we are getting almost 3 times the space. Each of us has enough space to work from home without disturbing each other, and we are able to spend even more time together without having to plan ahead or compensate for work schedules....

January 9, 2022 2 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: August 2021

I got a new phone this month since my 3+ year old OnePlus 6 is approaching end-of-life. It received its final major software update about a month ago, its battery has trouble making it through a day without recharging, its charging connector seems to be bent since most cables don’t stay seated, and various other small issues continue to pop up. It’s been a great phone so far, and I’ll probably keep it around as a backup phone or to turn into a home device or hobby project....

September 4, 2021 4 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: July 2021

Started a new job this month. So far, it’s much nicer than my previous job. It’s refeshing to work on a new team doing a new project, especially one that already has a proven track record of success. Hopefully my tenure here will be longer than my previous jobs in Japan, since I’m tired of going through the motions to change jobs every 6 months or so. Not counting relatively short gaps between jobs, I haven’t had a real vacation in almost 2 years....

August 7, 2021 3 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: June 2021

This month I decided to try getting more organized with tracking finances. Up until now, I have been using Mint to track my financial transactions through my US bank accounts and credit cards. It’s been working well for me for over a decade, but the product itself is pretty stagnant and hasn’t advanced much over the years. I can’t really complain since it’s a free service and does all the basics of what I need it to do, but the fact that it doesn’t work with non-US accounts is a bit of a problem since I live in Japan....

July 1, 2021 3 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: May 2021

I made a slight change to my investment strategy this month by changing my US small-cap value fund from Vanguard’s fund tracking the CRSP SCV index (VSIAX) to the more focused Avantis SCV ETF (AVUV). It’s an actively-managed fund (gasp!) but the expense ratio is really low which mitigates the principal downside of active funds. It is more focused than VSIAX due to applying more stringent value and profitability screens, so in theory one should expect better risk-adjusted performance due to greater exposure to the value and profitability factors....

June 12, 2021 2 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: April 2021

As hinted in last month’s post, I have decided to change jobs (again!). When I start my new job in July, this will mark the 4th company that I’ve worked for in Japan in less than two years. Since moving to Japan, my work history has been much more turbulent than I intended, mostly due to COVID wreaking havoc on the world economy (and completely killing off my first employer in Japan), but also due to drastic changes in business strategy from my employers, which may or may not also be in response to COVID....

May 23, 2021 4 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: March 2021

I’m sorry for updating so late. It’s almost time to write my April report. So right after the March state of emergency was lifted, I went back to the office to work, only to find out a couple days later that my neighboring coworker had been exposed to a virus carrier, and he later tested positive (no symptoms) a few days after that. We all promptly returned to remote work until we could all get tested....

April 27, 2021 3 min