Category May-19 Comments
Rent $2,234.78 Rent for short-term apartment for June and July
Internet $0.00 Nada
Cell Phone $27.61 Next 30 days of cell phone in Japan
Natural Gas $33.37 Last payments for my old apartment
Electricity $28.92 Last payments for my old apartment
Water $33.11 Last payments for my old apartment
Groceries $165.56 My non-restaurant food spending in Japan. Kind of high, but will go down now that I have a fridge and longer-term lodging.
Car Insurance $0.00 Nothing this month
Gasoline/Transport $109.66 Train/subway expenses
Car Expenses $0.00 Nada
Health $5.62 OTC medicine in Japan
Other $34.88 Mail forwarding and other miscellaneous expenses
Necessary $2,673.51 Above average, but mostly due to advanced rent payment
Restaurants $364.81 Restaurant meals in Japan.
Entertainment $0.00 Nada
Shopping $13.92 Below average
Travel/Parking $2,317.87 Hotels, plane tickets
Gifts/Donations $0.00 Nada
Software/Games $12.59 Bought an app
Business $0.00 Nothing this month.
Other $16.75 More expenses for my personal project
Discretionary $2,725.94 Above average, but will go down next month now that I’m no longer in hotels
Total Expenses $5,399.45 Above average
Gross Income $1,134.44 Rent deposit refund, belated birthday gift, cash back portals
401(k) Match $0.00 Nada
Taxes $0.00 Nada
Net Income $1,134.44 Below average
Savings -$4,265.01 Below average
Savings Rate -375.96% Doesn’t really make sense now that I essentially have no income. Might stop reporting this going forward.
Net Worth $290,814.22 Most of this decline is due to the market drop in May, not my spending. I still have some money in limbo so this should go back to about $300k soon.